
At Axiom TechGuru Pvt. Ltd., we are more than just a team of tech enthusiasts—we are innovators, problem-solvers, and collaborators dedicated to driving digital transformation and delivering exceptional results.

Our mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge technology solutions that streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth. We believe in leveraging the latest advancements in IT to help our clients stay ahead in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Full Stack Developer-Golang + ReactJS
Node.js, .NET, Golang
React, Angular,etc
Job opening
Experience: 3 Years
Hands on experience
Backend Engineer MySQL, MongoDB
Job opening
Experience: 3-6 Years
Hands on experience
Full Stack Developer-NodeJS + ReactJS
Angular, .Net
Job opening
Experience: 3 Years
Hands on experience
Senior Software Engineer in QA
Cucumber, Selenium, Appium
Manual & Automated Testing
Job opening
Experience: 5 Years
Hands on experience
Full Stack Developer-Golang+React
JavaScript, HTML & CSS
React Native, Flutter, Android SDK
Job opening
Experience: 3 Years
Hands on experience

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